Detroit to NY Showcase // Boys and Girls Club

In November of 2021, I was asked to participate in the “Detroit to NY Showcase,” an artistic showcase and fashion show presented by Deviate. The showcase, which took place in New York City on February 2 and 3 of 2022, is an interactive showcase of Deviate’s latest collection, “A Bird Trusts Its Wings”, with art by over 50 Detroit artists. 

My contribution to this showcase came in the form of a collaboration with kids from the Boys and Girls Club in Detroit. Deviate offers paid internships to kids from the Boys and Girls Club, teaching them to sew and the basics of designing a collections. The kids designed their own collections, which I then illustrated for them. I met with each of the kids, we discussed their visions, and they provided me with preliminary sketches and inspiration images. I then interpreted their designs, creating a total of 12 illustrations. The illustrations were printed onto fabric, and displayed at the showcase. The showcase is to be presented in Detroit in the summer of 2022.

The showcase was featured in the February 3, 2022 issue of the New York Times

Exhibition pictures taken by Kevin Barranco, @xvkbarr on instagram.


Fall 2020 Original Collection